洪嘉鈴.png每次回想,我都覺得好幸運能被洪嘉鈴老師教到!!! 前幾個禮拜,我找出2015年跟洪嘉鈴老師上課時,用電腦紀錄下來的很多心得(有電腦紀錄當時打下這些心情的日期,以後再Po這些心得),主要是 "跳芭蕾舞 及 我教和學語言的比較相同點和心得筆記",包括很多學語言和跳舞相同之處、反思審視、還有練習芭蕾舞動作的細節~

洪嘉鈴老師是非常有實力的實力派,跳芭蕾舞真的超好看,空中劈腿跳時,像羚羊一樣輕盈~ 不過,外型柔美柔順的洪老師,可是一點也不柔弱喔,我認為大多數達到高成就的人,都是相當堅毅的,洪老師本人的確也是如此~ 雖然我學芭蕾舞的時間很短,因為當時身為成人的我必須教英文來養活在大台北地區工作和生活的自己,且也自己一人在準備GRE美國研究所考試(我是20165月考GRE的,所以2015年是如火如荼的準備著了),所以雖本來想兼顧芭蕾舞,但時間終究是不允許。雖然我跟洪嘉鈴老師學習的時間不長,但洪嘉鈴老師是值得我學習的對象之一。

My Ballet Teacher in 2015: The Heroine in a TV Series 2015年的芭蕾舞老師: 偶像劇<<舞動奇蹟>>的女主角小愛】
My ballet teacher in 2015 was Miss Hong, Jia-Ling, who was one of the two dancers in Taiwan that year being selected into School of American Ballet(New York City), and later joined L.A Classical Ballet, Miami city Ballet. Every time in my throw-back, I feel so lucky being taught by her! I found out the notes I typed in 2015 when I attended her ballet class, in which much contemplation and many reviews were being recorded, mainly about "comparisons between dancing and learning/teaching languages" and what I learned from dancing ballet, including introspection, self-examination, and some minutia about practicing ballet.

Dancing beautifully and elegantly, Miss Hong Jia-Ling is a genuine ballet virtuoso; when she does split-jump in the air, her light move in the air is really just like that of an antelope. Nonetheless, however gentle, agreeable and beautiful she seems does not equal any slice of meekness of her. I reckon most high achievers are perseverant, which is definitely one of her features. Though the time span for me to learn ballet was short due to my teaching job that I had to do to support all of my living expenses living in Taipei Metropolitan, and equally important was that I was then preparing for GRE--- I took the exam in May, 2016, so I must have been preparing for it really, really hard. Therefore, despite of my original thought to balance the dance and all above, lack of time prevented me from carrying on. In spite of this short span of learning from Miss Hong, she is undoubtedly one of figures worth learning.

#洪嘉鈴 #HongJiaLing #PrimaBallet #真正的芭蕾實力派AGenuineBalletVirtuoso #洪嘉鈴老師


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