登登登登~~~ 我2017年到2018年去的喜歡的南韓首爾市清潭洞的人蔘雞湯店~~~
Yoo-hoo~~~ In 2017-2018 I went to a Jinseng-Chicken-Soup Restaurant at 청담동CheongDam dong, in Seoul, South Korea--- it is my beloved restaurant.

아주머님 삼계탕 한 그릇 주세요. 감사합니다~
Ma’am, I’d like to have one bowl of jinsen chicken soup, thank you.

本文有八部分 Eight Parts in This Article:
一、 整體評價 Overall Evaluation
二、 遇見這家店 Bumping into This Restaurant
三、 食物: 我點過人蔘雞湯、粥 Food: I Have Ordered Jinseng-Chicken Soup and Porridge.
四、 店內氛圍、空間和裝潢 Ambience, Space and Decorations
五、 首爾的夏日大雨天之影片及照片 Seoul's Pouring Rain in One Summer Afternoon
六、 沿著人蔘雞湯店正前方的路的街景 Street Views Along the Road Right in Front of this JinSeng-Chicken Soup Restuarant
七、 人蔘雞湯店對面那排的景色 Scenes on the Opposite Side of the Restaurant
八、 地圖、餐廳資訊 Maps, Restaurant Information

【一、 整體評價Overall Evaluation 】


Jinseng Chicken Soup is not just soup and jinseng chicken only; inside the jinseng chicken is stuffed glutinous rice, jujubes, chestnuts, jinseng and so on, so it is easy for us to feel so full after eating. More food description is in Part 3 of this article.

(一) 評價: 覺得相當好~ 安靜舒適、寬敞、餐廳氛圍佳、服務人員的態度、餐點品質、附近的環境等等都很好。我曾經不在這附近、也不在江南,而是在其他區,但卻特地過來這裡吃--- 除了前述原因外,也因為便捷的交通和其有利的位置: 一出地鐵就能到,不用再走一段路。
Evaluation: Great! The restaurant is comfortable, quiet and spacious; I am satisfied with the ambience, service attitude, quality of food and the nearby environment. There were several times when I was not around, not even at Gungnam but in farther areas, I specifically came here, besides all the merries mentioned above, the convenient transportation and great location are also good reasons.

(二) 價格: 當時這碗人蔘雞湯要價台幣四百多元,就說大概450元吧,經過這幾年新冠和通膨的考驗,沒漲價才奇怪~
Price: In 2017-2018, the price of the jinseng-chicken-soup was about NT450, around U.S. $15. After the ordeal of Covid19 and inflation, it would be odd if the prices were not raised.

【二、遇見這家店Bumping Into This Restaurant】
Coming to Seoul in Winter, 2017 and in the beginning of August, 2018, I did not come for pure travel, for certain level it is for my writing job, so I just arranged several places to visit, where almost all of them were in청담동CheongDam dong and 삼성동SamSeong dong, without any famous tourist spots like홍대/Hong-Dae, 동대문/Dong-Dae-Mun… and so on, though I had been staying Seoul for 29 days in these two trips, but I haven’t been here to travel--- I just came홍대/Hong-Dae to take my mobilephone card, not for real traveling.

因為工作,大部分時候我都待在首爾首屈一指的清潭洞和三成洞,我這兩次來首爾也以熟悉這兩地區為主--- 就在以上背景的某個時刻,我剛好遇見了這家店,不是看旅遊書來的,剛才翻一下我當時買的首爾旅遊書,確定上面沒有說到這家店。
Due to my work, most of the time I stayed in these two leading dongs--- 청담동CheongDam dong and 삼성동SamSeong dong, where I was getting acquainted most in these two trips. Against such background, I bumped into this Jinseng-Chicken-Soup Restaurant coincidentally, not coming here via travel guide or such reference books--- I just flipped my Seoul travel guide book and checked this is true because there is no mention about this restaurant at all.

清潭洞和三成洞是富庶的江南區的一部分,這兩區都很有名、富裕和有聲量,很多人知道這兩區都是透過電視和電影,因為只要要呈現出上流社會,經常都以清潭洞和三成洞作為背景,這兩區相當於台北市信義區~ 但當然是比台北市信義區更繁華,其實首爾還有其他富庶的區,像是城北洞,很多名門世家和電影<<寄生上流>>中的豪宅類型,都是坐落在此區域,裴勇俊在移居夏威夷前,也在城北洞買過房地產。

CheongDam dong/청담동 and SamSeong dong/삼성동 are part of the rich area of강남GangNam. Well-known to many through Korean TV series and films, these two dongs are famous, rich and prominent--- it is often when the upper class is presented, the background happens at CheongDam dong/청담동 and SamSeong dong/삼성동. These two dongs are equivalently to Xin-Yi area, Taipei city, only are they more prosperous, of course. There are other affluent regions in Seoul, like 성북동Seongbuk dong--- the luxurious mansions owned by prominent families and that kind shown in the Oscar-winning Korean movie <<기생충Parasite>> can be seen in성북동Seongbuk dong.

總之,我是因為這兩次主要在這兩區,才會遇到這家人蔘雞湯店,若我來的目的也是旅遊不同景點,那我想我也可能像很多人去旅遊書上推薦的其他家人蔘雞湯店~ 但是,我覺得遇到這家很幸運,也吃得很開心~
In a nutshell, I was mainly staying in these two dongs in these two trips, thereby encountered it unexpectedly. If the purpose of these two trips of mine were traveling different tourist spots, I might have been to other jinseng-chicken-soup restaurants recommended by tourist reference books. Nonetheless, I feel lucky to meet this restaurant, and I enjoyed my meal immensely.

Just within this residential area of청담동CheongDam dong, such a restaurant, a favor to many families, stands here. Many locals must, just as I do, feel the restaurant a warm existence. I like this restaurant and feel it was so lucky to meet this restaurant.

【三、食物: 我點過삼게당蔘雞湯、 죽粥 Food: I have ordered jinseng-chicken soup and porridge. 】

下圖右上方的那瓶是冰水,不是酒,但貼上了賣酒的廣告,南韓很多餐廳都這樣到處宣傳賣酒的廣告~ 台灣則較少喝酒、台灣沒有那麼多賣酒的廣告,不少韓國人因我們台灣人較少喝酒而說我們台灣人很清純~ 台灣人很少喝酒的原因之一是台灣很多各式各樣花俏的飲料,很多外國人也都很愛這些飲料,所以,其實在你想到要喝酒之前,整個肚子都已經被台灣數不盡、又令人魂牽夢縈的飲料給佔據了,當然就沒有想到要喝酒~
The bottle on the upper-right corner is cold water, not wine, but is stuck with wine advertisement--- many South Korean restaurant advertised wine all over. Most Taiwanese seldom drinks alcohol, and wine advertisement is rare seen. Some South Koreans say Taiwanese are so pure and innocent because Taiwanese seldom drink. One of the reasons Taiwanese seldom drink is because Taiwan has many different kinds of fancy beverages, which foreigners love bad as well. Those beverages charm so much to the extent that before you think of wine, your stomach has already been taken by countless Taiwanese intriguing beverages and food that yearn people day and night, so the idea of drinking wine even never appears in many people’s mind……

人蔘雞湯裡頭不是只有人蔘雞和湯(請見下面兩張照片),而是人蔘雞裡面塞有糯米、紅棗、栗子、人蔘等等,所以吃起來還蠻有飽足感的。我點的是有附約兩顆貝類的海鮮、貴一點的人蔘雞湯。 Just as the two images below show: Jinseng Chicken Soup is not just soup and jinseng chicken only; inside the jinseng chicken stuffed glutinous rice, jujubes, chestnuts, jinseng and so on, so it is easy for us to feel so full after eating. The jinseng chicken soup I ordered was including about two shell food, and the price is a little bit higher.


My mom commented the price of the jinseng chicken soup was expensive, but it is frequent for me to have one as lunch, and if activity, moving, walking is not much required in the afternoon, dinner can be skipped because the portion of one jinseng chicken soup is quite large, I often still feel bloated at dinner time.

圖片中的小菜都是點這人蔘雞湯送的,不是另外點的。醃蘿蔔那麼多又偏鹹,我沒有一次吃完的,都是只吃一點點; 青辣椒也是,當時我很難想像一個人吃這一碗,需要配那麼多青辣椒~ 剛想著下次去要試試看配著這樣吃,突然想到自己這幾年來除了海鮮、已經不吃肉了……
All the side dishes are coming with jinseng chicken soup, not by another order. Pickled radish is salty and so much, I haven’t finished all of them in any single meal, few pieces were all I could bear. Green chillis are the same story. So difficult for me to imagine having one bowl with so many green chillis… The thought ‘I would like to try chillis with jinseng chicken soup next time I come here’ just came to me, only next second did another idea strike me that, except seafood, I haven’t tried meat for many years……

如下圖: 我點的是有附約兩顆貝類的海鮮、貴一點的人蔘雞湯。Shown in the image below: the jinseng chicken soup I ordered was including about two shell food, and the price is a little bit higher.

吃完囉~ Finished! Well done.

此外,也有賣不同口味的粥喔~ Different kinds of porridges are also available here.

【四、店內氛圍、空間和裝潢 Ambience, Space and Decorations】

店內環境安靜舒適,我看過有些人推薦的知名的人蔘雞湯店是在旅遊景點,所以印象中,店裡有好多人、好擠的感覺~ 我喜歡的這家店位於地價較貴的江南區,雖也沒法因此說店一定就會寬敞或狹小,幸好這整家店、座位、走道…都蠻寬敞,不會人擠人;
The restaurant is comfortable and quiet; in my impression, I had seen some recommended jinseng-chicken-soup restaurants full of crowds, very crowded. The location of this my beloved restaurant lies in the more expensive housing area, though this does not mean the space of the business is definitely narrower or roomier; happily, the whole restaurant, seats, aisles…and all are quite spacious, not crowded at all.

Therefore, if relaxation is what we want instead of boisterousness or breathlessness coming from the crowd; maybe when we eat, we are just taking a break from work and want some quality time, eat something healthy and warm--- all of these make this jinseng-chicken-soup restaurant my top choice in Seoul to date.

透明玻璃讓店感覺更寬敞、讓室內室外的光相互流竄,連結了室內室外,可以感覺到窗外的動靜…… 2018年八月六日傍晚去時,剛好下大雨,看著首爾下大雨的景致,觀察和想著跟台北下雨時的情況有何不同? 請至本文第五部份看下雨時的影片…
Transparent glass not only makes the whole restaurant look more spacious, allows light to come in and out, but also connects the indoor and outdoor environment--- we can sense what happens around. When I came here in the evening of August 6th, 2018, it happened to rain. Seeing rain pouring outdoors, observing and contemplating any differences between raining in Seoul and raining in Taipei? Go to part 5 of this article to see the raining scene I recorded in this restaurant.

可以看到車流經過; 下面兩張照片服務生正在清潔中。
Watch the flow of vehicles pass by. The server was cleaning in the following two pictures.


人蔘雞湯店對面有一家星巴克,我進這家星巴克晃過一圈~ 吃完正餐,有些人的工作性質剛好可以直接來這家星巴克繼續工作,喜歡喝咖啡的人或有時間的人也剛好可以來這裡喝咖啡、吃蛋糕……
A Starbucks is on the opposite side of the restaurant. I had been coming in this Starbucks and seeing for just a while. Finishing the meal, some people may come to this Starbucks and keep on working; people who like coffee or have time can wander in and have a cup of coffee and slices of cakes.

透明的玻璃讓整家店感覺跟戶外很接近,在店裡就看到窗外的景色~ Transparent glass makes the inside close to the outside, views can be seen in the restaurant~

【五、首爾的夏日大雨天之影片及照片 Seoul's Pouring Rain in One Summer Afternoon】

2018年八月六日傍晚去時,剛好窗外下起滂沱大雨,看著首爾下大雨的景致,想著跟台北下雨時的情況有何不同? 這天其實下非常大雨,好像還有打雷和閃電,但坐在這裡吃晚餐感覺很安心~~~ 下面這張照片的位子是我的王位~
On afternoon, August 6th, 2018, it was pouring raining outside the window. Looking at the pouring view of Seoul, thinking is there any differences with that of Taipei? It was actually pouring heavily, seemingly with lights and thunders, but it was comfortable ensconcing in this corner--- the seats in the picture are my throne.

來看看錄影吧~ 下雨的景致也很美麗,這影片是下較小雨時拍的~ Let’s watch the beautiful raining scene, but this video is filmed when it was raining lightly:

另一張下雨的照片: Another raining picture:

【六、 沿著人蔘雞湯店正前方的路的街景 Street Views Along the Road Right in Front of this JinSeng-Chicken Soup Restuarant】

一出清潭站十號出口,走幾步路,很快就看到囉~ 下面兩張照片可以看到豎立著清潭站十號出口的路牌~ 下面第一張是冬天拍的照片(2017年12月底),第二張照片是夏天(2018年8月4日拍的)。
As soon as stepping out of exit 10 of 청담CheongDam station, taking a few steps, you see it right in front of you. Next two pictures show a vertical sign post of exit 10. The following first picture was taken in the end of December, 2017; the second one was taken in summer on August 4th, 2018.

下張是人蔘雞湯餐廳的正面外觀 Next one: frontage of the restaurant.

來看看餐廳前的街道吧 Let’s see the front street of the restaurant.

人蔘雞湯店旁邊就是巷子。An alley is next to the jinseng-chicken-soup restaurant.

下張是沿著人蔘雞湯店前的人行道繼續往前走。 Next one: walking forward along the pavement in front of the Jinseng-chicken-soup restaurant.

下一張是人蔘雞湯店側面--- 從人蔘雞湯店旁邊的巷子拍的 Next one: flank side of the jinseng-chicken-soup restaurant--- taken from the alley next to the restaurant.

【七、人蔘雞湯店對面那排的景色 Scenes on the Opposite Side of the Restaurant】
人蔘雞湯店對面有一家星巴克,我進這家星巴克晃過一圈~ 吃完正餐,有些人的工作性質剛好可以直接來這家星巴克繼續工作,喜歡喝咖啡的人或有時間的人也剛好可以來這裡喝咖啡、吃蛋糕……
A Starbucks is on the opposite side of the restaurant. I had been coming in this Starbucks and seeing for just a while. Finishing the meal, some people may come to this Starbucks and keep on working; people who like coffee or have time can wander in and have a cup of coffee and slices of cakes.

這張照片是從人蔘雞湯店前面看星巴克的外觀 The following one is in front of the restaurant and seeing the outer look of Starbucks.

下面這張則是從星巴克前面看人蔘雞湯店The following one is seeing the jinseng-chicken-soup restaurant in front of Starbucks.

下面這張是星巴克隔壁的巷子: This one is the alley next to Starbucks:

星巴克前面拍馬路; 注意到建築物上面寫著漢文嗎? 這在南韓蠻常見到的。 Taking this photo in front of the Starbucks. Noticing Chinese characters are on the buildings? This is often seen in South Korea.

瞧這街道多寬敞、多美啊 Behold the spacious and beautiful streets!

【八、地圖、餐廳資訊Maps, Restaurant Information】

*店名Restaurant’s Name: 청담영양센터 Cheong-Dam Yong Yang Center
*地點Location: 首爾市江南區清潭洞Cheong-Dam Area, GangNam Diestrict, Seoul, South Korea
*地鐵Subway: 剛好在地鐵清潭站十號出口: 一出來就到了,走幾步路就到了。Very close to exit 10 of 청담CheongDam station. Once you step out of exit 10, within just a few more steps will you see it.
*地址Address: 서울 강남구 학동로87길 7
7 Hakdong-ro 87-gil, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea


(全文完結,中英文共約4311字。 End. About 4311 words in Both English and Chinese.)

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