

我的文章的畫面出現在2:59到3:01秒之間(Youtube新聞連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sldwkCscIE4 ) 新聞拍到的我的這篇文章就是【如何使用英語學習雜誌: 一週至少六天,每天都要聽說讀一篇,且不是只有閱讀,而是聽說讀都要~】,因為我把我的文章貼到臉書社團<<高中學習討論群>>,所以這篇文章目前被轉分享93次,新聞拍攝當下是被分享47次;


P.S.: 這個社團管理得很不錯喔! 這個社團是有關自學的,我的文章也是有關自學的,雖然說是 "自學",但其實自學需要很多資訊來源、也需要能夠搜尋並辨別很多資訊。

今天會看到這篇新聞純屬巧合,大概是因為我常看AI之類的、和近來科技業常裁員的新聞,所以Youtube演算法自動推薦我這則新聞; 當我看到自己的文章出現在這新聞上時,還愣一下想說: “那是我的文章嗎?” 還來回確定了好幾次呢~

My article appears in between 2:59 and 3:02; this article is about how to use English learning magazines, whose target readers are not English native speakers, so I did not translate this article. I post this article onto one of my Facebook Groups, so there are currently 93 shares, and during filming this news, it was shown to be shared for 47 times.

When this piece of news reported the organizer Miss Lee李, Wan宛-Xuan軒, my this article was on the top, so the story above happened.

P.S.: This Facebook Group is well-organized. It is about self-learning, so are many articles of mine. So-called "self-learning", it indeed needs many information resources, and it also requires the ability to search and distinguish much information.

What a coincidence for me to watch this news! Probably because recently I’ve watched AI-related news and technology laid-off stuffs frequently, so much so that Youtube algorithm suggested me this news automatically. I was like “Hold on. Is that my article?” when I saw it appeared. And I checked it back and forth for several times.

#AI #臉書社團 #李宛軒 #自學 #高中學習討論群

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