未命名2.png【肉體的死亡不是結束The physical demise is not the end.】
2022年8月15日收到了我表妹寄給我的,我借我大舅公的書: 知名精神科醫生及寫了全球暢銷書<<前世今生>>的布萊恩魏斯醫生寫的<<前世今生來生緣>>(中文版好像已經不再版,但應該買得到二手的,否則可以看原文英文版的 Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives through Progression Therapy: 8601405245069: Weiss, Brian L.: 圖書 https://www.amazon.com/Same-Soul-Many-Bodies-Progression/dp/0743264347 )。 這本書放在我大舅公那裏那麼多年,還維持得很新。此書是幾年前我借給大舅公的,大舅公離世後,我詢問大舅婆此書是否還在,在的話能否拿回來,因為要重新買這本書還要花錢~ 開玩笑的,當然不是為了錢,也不是為了想看這本書的內容,而是因為這本書是唯一一本我記得我借給大舅公看過的書(或許我拿過好幾本書給舅公看,但我不記得了),有大舅公翻過、用心看過的歲月記憶,有我去探訪舅公舅婆聊天時,它被放在就近的茶几上之一疊書的最上方,被翻到某頁,明顯是舅公那時期正在看的書的回憶……
大舅公問我說: “你相信有來生嗎?”
我想都沒想、一點猶豫也沒有,便很肯定地回: “相信。”
至於我為何馬上回答相信有來生? 那正是為何我會上周寫這件事就寫出四千五百多字的原因~ 請待續,謝謝您。
On August 15th, 2022, I received from my cousin a book that I had lent my “uncle-grandpa”, which is how Chinese call their grandparents’ brothers. This book is written by the well-known psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss<<Same Soul, Many Bodies>>, available on Amazon: Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives through Progression Therapy: 8601405245069: Weiss, Brian L.: 圖書 https://www.amazon.com/Same-Soul-Many-Bodies-Progression/dp/0743264347 This book stayed with my uncle-grandpa for so long, yet still like brand new. After my uncle-grandpa’s departure, I ask my uncle-grandpa’s wife, whom we call uncle-grandma, if I could bring this book back, because it would cost me another fortune to buy a new one… joking, of course not for the price nor the content of the book, but because this one is the only one that I remember I had lent my uncle-grandpa to read(maybe I had brought other books for him to read, but none of any has existed in my memory for me to recall.) The pages of this book is my uncle-grandpa’s flipped, representing the memories that I had visited them, when the book was set aside on the top of a pile of book at the near table, in certain page he was then reading obviously.

I has written more than 4,500 words last week after I received this book; however, due to some factors, I will publish later on.
The following is the memory that happened few years ago after I had brought this book to him: “Few years ago, after I had lent my uncle-grandpa the book <<Same Soul, Many Bodies>>, I visited him afterwards, seeing he was reading the book. A strong impression was made by this memory:
My uncle-grandpa asked me: “Do you believe there is life after death?”
I responded spontaneously without hesitating: “Yes, I believe there is.”To be continued, thank you.
Then immediately I saw relaxation, satisfaction, peace and smile blooming on my uncle-grandpa’s face.
As to how come I would answer spontaneously without hesitating, that is the reason why I has already typed more than 4500 words about this topic. To be continued, thank you~

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