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As to Friendship, I had not ever thought that some friends in 8th grade we would keep contact after more than 20 years, which is really, extremely, extraordinarily precious--- precious was not a word I would use to describe our “enforced camaraderie of the same-class classmates friends” back then.

    我在苗栗縣立文林國中就讀國一至國二,在考試能力分班制度下,我於文林國中的國一、國二,被編到當時大環境所稱呼的 “所謂第二好班”, 但由於國二時抱持錯誤的"等到國三再努力讀書考好聯考”的想法,因此我整個國二都對課業不努力,以至於我在1997年國二結束、六月底七月初時,從升學班被分到非升學班,如眾所皆知,當時很多老師教導非升學班時,並不像他們教導升學班那樣用心,這樣下來,非升學班考上前幾名高中之機率非常低,因此,於甫升國三的七月份,我轉學至烏眉國中。至於要更公正探討能力分班的缺點,需要用其他文章來討論。

      At Wen-Lin文林 junior high school of Miao-Li苗栗 county, I was studying 7th to 8th grades. Under the competency-based grouping, a regime that had been widely adopted in both junior and senior high schools on the whole island back then, students were categorized into different levels: 1st and 2nd-tier classes are being viewed as so-called good classes. While most students in other classes were like being abandoned by even students themselves; as everyone knew back then, most teachers did not teach as well as they did at 1st and 2nd–tier classes; therefore, the possibility of getting into highest-ranked schools was rare. I was grouped in 2nd-tier class in both 7th and 8th grades; however, due to my fallacious idea of “I will start to study hard at 9th grade to hit a good score at high-school entrance exam” and thus my joyous insouciance over academy at 8th grade, I was grouped outside 1st and 2nd-tier classes at the end of 8th grade and the turn to 9th grade. Therefore, in July 1997, the end of 8th grade also the turn to 9th grade, I was transferring to Wu-Mei烏眉 junior high school. As for deficiency of competency-based grouping, that will need other articles to discuss unbiasedly.

    在文林國中印象鮮明的國二,一直都在六年的中學生涯中特別不一樣,儘管像高一在所屬的一年六班有很多很美好的回憶,國三在烏眉國中過得很好、成績進步良多、甚至還被全班 同學選成模範生(學生升涯中唯一一次)、跟新同學之間的情誼當然也無法取代(長大後巧遇烏眉國中朋友的開心一點都不會比較少),但不知為什麼回想起來時,“國二”始終都是我第一個想到的、印象最突出、整個中學裡最特別的一年。國二這年的影響包括(但不限)以下四點:

  Impressive 8th grade at Wen-Lin junior high school has always been more magnetic more than other grades in the whole 6 years of high school. Despite so many great memories of 106, my first year class number at Miao-Li senior high school and 9th grade at Wu-Mei junior high, littered with many academy prizes and progressive performance, including the most honorable, being voted as a model student at my class(also the only one in my whole student career); in spite of the irreplaceable friendships with my new school mates--- all the happiness is not a bit lesser when bumping into them after growing up; nonetheless, in retrospect, 8th grade has always been the first one that I think of: I reckon it an impressive, most notable year in high school. Its influence includes(but not limited to) the following four points:

(一) 至今,我都會自覺、不自覺地屢屢反思我國二這年在課業等沒做好的地方、原本可以做得更好卻為何沒那樣做的方面,及用國二這年來思考很多關於教育上的事和我人生的規劃;

(1) To this day, I have been still, unconsciously or not, retrospect, review what I did not do well in academy, and so on; meditate what I could have done better but why I did not; and with all of these 8th-grade ideas, think many things in education and plans of my life.

(二) 在學習英文和許多學科上,我不少的教學設計和學習反省,是針對國二我為何不會想要努力所反思和設計的(但不僅限於國二);

(2) In learning English and many subjects, many learning reviews and teaching planning are set to solve the problem why I did not study hard/harder and thus are designed.


(三) 尤其是我2007年9月第一次從紐約暑期工作回來以後,首先是針對改善英文,而努力學習英文的同時,也延伸至我大學主修企管之外的其他領域;

(3) Especially, after September 2007, when my coming back from my first-time summer working at New York, I aimed at improving my English skills; meanwhile, stretching my learning to other fields beside my major, Business Administration.

(四) 在反思整個過往我本來可以怎樣學習、思考時,懊悔最深沒好好安排的就是國二,其次是高一,但其實每每思考到這裡,就會覺得其實整個高中的課業都沒安排得夠好,甚至是從國小就不知道某些學習觀念,但國小時成績能還不錯,是因乖乖照著老師說的每天按部就班的做功課和複習等,但在國中之後,對於自己應該達到怎樣的目標、讀怎樣的高中等等這些當時自以為自己知道的問題,其實是被很多因素限制,包括對自我的認知等等(未來將會寫關於此話題的文章)。我國小的經驗請看<<我的銅鑼國小和六年戊班My Class Wù 戊and Precious Primary School Days>>。

(4)When I was tracking the trace of my past learning and thinking, the period that has made me regret most that I did not arrange well is 8th grade, and 10th grade follows suit. But whenever thinking about this, I would then notice the whole academy arrangements in my senior high school were not done good enough; some learning notions were not acquainted to me since my primary school days, and the reason why my academy performance at primary school was good was because I finished what teachers assigned to do each day and reviewed when I should. However, when moving from primary school to junior high school, many Eastern Asian students face important issues, like which senior high school we would like to study at, what objective we would like to achieve; all of the answers I thought I knew were actually restricted by many other factors, including our self-perception and so on, which is another topic I will discuss in another article in future. My primary school days please read <<我的銅鑼國小和六年戊班My Class Wù 戊and Precious Primary School Days>>

(中英全文約1718字; Chinese and English Totally around 1718words)

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