大家應該都很擔心猴痘到底長怎麼樣?在這之前都沒有很多照片,直到7月21日國際四大醫學期刊之一的《新英格蘭醫學期刊》之研究報告公布了很多猴痘感染者身上猴痘的照片(是今年這波猴痘爆發“後”的猴痘感染者之猴痘照片,“不是”在今年猴痘爆發“前”的猴痘照片):(1)請點入下方網頁;(2)點入後往下方滑,找到“supplementary material”;(3)點入“supplementary material”後會看到“supplementary appendix”,按“supplementary appendix”後就會開始下載;(4)打開“supplementary appendix”此檔案後,往下滑,大量圖片在此檔案之下方。Many worry how monkeypox lesions look like. There had not been many photos of monkeypox lesions until July 21st, NEJM, one of the four most prestigious medical journals, published a monkeypox research report with lots of photos of lesions on infected patients--- these photos were taken after this year's outbreak, not those taken before this year's outbreak. (1)Go to the following website; (2) Find out "supplementary material" & click it; (3)Click "supplementary appendix" to download; (4)Lots of monkeypox lesion photos are at the lower part of this "supplementary appendix".
請按此連結後,按照以上步驟觀看Monkeypox Virus Infection in Humans across 16 Countries — April–June 2022 | NEJM

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