驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic


目錄(此篇全文約1880字; All about 1880 words)

【一、我翻譯此宋詞之緣由Background that I Translate This Poem】

【二、我翻譯此詞之英文翻譯 及 我改寫之現代中文翻譯 I Translate this English Translation and Adapted Several Chinese Translations into this Colloquial Chinese Translation】

【三、介紹此詞標題及作者Introduce the Poem’s Title and Author】


【一、我翻譯此宋詞之緣由Background that I Translate This Poem


    因為我們總愛用這詞來形容 “自己找很久的愛情,原來一直以來就在身邊”,所以本來以為這首詞全部都是在描寫找尋愛情的心情的,結果一查,這首詞的前面全是開心如元宵節看花燈、逛燈會等等歡騰到冒泡的情景。

     我看了這全詞後,馬上掉進元宵節燈會的氛圍裡~ 感受得到那種跟朋友、親人們去逛花燈廟會一整晚好玩的心情……真的很想參加如圖片裡,很正統又很龐大的元宵節盛會和其從早到晚的活動,元宵節也因此變成我最愛節日排行榜的第二名。


One day around January 21st to January 29th, 2022, unexpectedly, I wondered what the whole poem in front of a very famous quote is, this quote is “Until, out of the blue, I looked back, seeing the one whom I had been looking for was standing alone at the shady place, where the light of fireworks and that of lanterns could barely reach.”---This quote is known by nearly every native Chinese-the-language speakers, but few really know what the rest of this poem is.

    Chinese native speakers love to use this quote to express “the true love(or the only one person) that someone has been looking for for a long, long, long time, is surprisingly just right beside us/very close to us/ with us all the time. Therefore, before I searched and read the original text, I had considered this whole poem is depiction or expression of the author’s thoughts about looking for the true love. Nonetheless, the rest part is all describing the happiness and the effervescence of lantern festival(also called Yuan-Xiao元宵 Festival), where people go to see beautiful lanterns, fireworks setoff, dragon shows, and so on.

    Upon I finished reading the whole poem, I immediately fell into the atmosphere of Yuan-Xiao Festival, Lantern Festival. I could feel the kind of feeling going with friends and families on the night of Lantern Festival. Really, really want to participate the real and formal pageants of Lantern festival’s activities held from day to night like those shown in pictures--- Yuan-Xiao has thus been my second favorite festival on my billboard of most favorite galas.

     Because of the whole effervesce and liveliness in the whole poem, I somehow felt the meaning of this poem is somehow different from how native Chinese speakers have been applying this poem to the real life situations, because native Chinese speakers often use this poem to imply the bitter process of looking for the true love; however, the happiness of finally finding this person/true love in the last sentence is consistent with the joy depicted in the rest of the poem.

     That just 67 words in this poem can bear so much exhilaration at night on Lantern Festival is really one of the charms that spell when using Chinese characters.

【二、我翻譯此詞之英文翻譯 及 我改寫之現代中文翻譯 I Translate this English Translation and Adapted Several Chinese Translations into this Colloquial Chinese Translation

以下現代中文翻譯為我參考多人的翻譯而改寫的,有問題歡迎提出; 英文翻譯則是我從改寫後的現代中文翻譯,再翻譯成英文:

【2-1全詞原文Original Poem(in Classic Chinese)】


驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic
圖片來源為黃君陽先生寫的書法Calligraphy by Mr. Huan Jun-Yang https://reurl.cc/jkrojZ


     Dōng Fēng Yè Fàng Huā Qiān Shù 。 Gèng Chuī Là 、 Xīng Rú Yù 。 Bǎo Mǎ Diāo Chē Xiāng Mǎn Lù 。 Fèng Xiāo Shēng Dòng , Yù Hú Guāng Zhuái , Yí Yè Yú Lónɡ Wǔ

     é ér Xuě Liǔ Huáng Jīn Lǚ 。 Xiào Yǔ Yíng Yíng àn Xiāng Qù 。 Zhòng Lǐ Xún Tā Qiān Bǎi Dù 。 Mò Rán Huí Shǒu , Nà Rén Què Zài , Dēng Huǒ Lán Shān Chú

【2-3現代中文翻譯Colloquial Chinese Translation】



    姑娘們的頭上戴着亮麗的飾物: 有的插滿蛾兒,有的戴着雪柳,有的則是金黃的絲縷。她們開心的邊說邊笑,淡淡的香氣也從人們身邊飄過。在那麼多的人群裡,我千百次尋找伊人,可都沒找着;突然一回首,卻發現那人孤身站在燈和煙火光隱隱微微才能照到的地方。

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

【2-4英文翻譯 English Translation】

     East wind has not blown many flowers blossomed yet it released fireworks like fire trees and silver flowers, set on lantern festival. When nighttime came, spring wind did not only lighten up beautiful lanterns hung on numerous branches and trees at the whole city like blossoms, but also blew down fireworks in the sky like shooting stars falling down like rain. The luxurious horse-drawn carriage dragged by precious horses spread fragrance all along the road.

     Beautiful melodies played out by FengXiao鳳簫 were drifting around, crossing over with flowing incandescent moonlight shone upon the crowds. Moonlights were as shiny as YuHu(a kind of jade pots); all kinds of lanterns made into miscellaneous shapes, including fishes, dragons and so on, were flying and dancing around, up and down.

(FengXiao鳳簫 is a vertical bamboo flute, one of Chinese instruments.)

All girls were wearing beautiful and delicate headwear: some with butterflies or moths, some with Thunberg's meadowsweet, some with gilded decorations--- they were all smiling with faint perfume passing around. Among the crowds I had been looking for her for hundreds of, thousands of times; nevertheless, never had I found her. Until, out of the blue, I looked back, seeing the one whom I had been looking for was standing alone at the shady place, where the light of fireworks and that of lanterns could barely reach.

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

Fish Lanterns https://reurl.cc/DdO7vQ

【三、介紹此詞標題及作者Introduce the Poem’s Title and Author】


Title of the Poem: Emerald Jade Case---Night at Lantern Festival


Dynasty: Song宋 Dynasty


Author: Xīn辛, Qì-Jí棄疾


驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic

驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處&元宵節 A Romantic
圖片來自此網址 daydaynews.cc/history/303085.html

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