下圖右上方的那瓶是冰水,不是酒,但貼上了賣酒的廣告,南韓很多餐廳都這樣到處宣傳賣酒的廣告~ 台灣則較少喝酒、台灣沒有那麼多賣酒的廣告,不少韓國人因我們台灣人較少喝酒而說我們台灣人很清純~ 台灣人很少喝酒的原因之一是台灣很多各式各樣花俏的飲料,很多外國人也都很愛這些飲料,所以,其實在你想到要喝酒之前,整個肚子都已經被台灣數不盡、又令人魂牽夢縈的飲料給佔據了,當然就沒有想到要喝酒~
The bottle on the upper-right corner is cold water, not wine, but is stuck with wine advertisement--- many South Korean restaurant advertised wine all over. Most Taiwanese seldom drinks alcohol, and wine advertisement is rare seen. Some South Koreans say Taiwanese are so pure and innocent because Taiwanese seldom drink. One of the reasons Taiwanese seldom drink is because Taiwan has many different kinds of fancy beverages, which foreigners love bad as well. Those beverages charm so much to the extent that before you think of wine, your stomach has already been taken by countless Taiwanese intriguing beverages and food that yearn people day and night, so the idea of drinking wine even never appears in many people’s mind……

不少韓國人因台灣人較少喝酒而說台灣人很清純~ Some So

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