【他是我的貓咪 It Is My Cat. 中英雙語全文共約

想PO這支感人的影片很多次,但想到那四處流浪闖江湖、被夾斷腿的小貓咪,雖然他不是我養的貓,但他走了後,我還是覺得我沒有好好照顧他、覺得很自責和很疑惑: "人到底應該跟動物維持怎樣的關係?" 雖然他不是我養的貓,但他走之後,我卻還是覺得 #他是我的貓

多年來,我一直不願意養貓狗有很多個原因,包括: "我那麼常出去工作,出去工作時,就把貓狗留在家等我,他的人生就是繞著我轉,等我回來、等我帶他出去、等我...整輩子都圍繞著我轉,不是很可憐嗎? 是不是在野外有自由比較開心? 為什麼我要讓一個生命圍繞著我轉呢? 還被我限制(和有時候會大吼): "不可以出去、不要咬椅子! 那個好髒不要靠近,不要去那裡、不可以怎樣怎樣...",還要他做我想做的事情: “握手、好乖”……
我們身為人類被他人自以為是的對待,就已經心生不滿、忍耐對方了,更何況若身為小動物長期都被高高在上的對待、又到處被限制的話,誰不會討厭這樣命令和限制我們的"主人"--- 我甚至在想這會不會是有些狗攻擊主人的原因之一,查了以後發現果然如此: 康健雜誌報導 https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/65142

還有其他的一些原因讓我覺得動物跟人之間應該平等相處(礙於篇幅,在此先省略),所以,我跟被夾斷腿的小貓咪相處,就刻意維持得像我跟朋友相處一樣,因為覺得不該自以為是主人,所以沒有特別用心地照顧他,不知道貓應該怎麼餵、還怪他吃太少、沒吃完浪費貓糧; 怕餵牠太多會讓他太依賴我而喪失謀生的技能(平等地把他當人一樣對待),所以只有每天餵他吃一、兩次貓糧、從沒有為他去學應該怎樣照顧貓,就像大家也不會沒事去特地照顧朋友一樣。

儘管他不是我養的貓,雖然我心理上想要維持動物和人之間平等的狀態,但當他走了,我卻依然後悔沒有更好的照顧他,沒想到還是會在心裡覺得 "他是我的貓咪"......

For quite a period of time I've wanted to post this touching clip, in which the seemingly disabled doggie was well taken care of and grew much more healthily and beautifully by the later adopter after it was abandoned by its original owner. However, every time I thought of the vagabond cat that lost one leg in a bear trap, though it is not a cat that I raised or kept, but after it’s gone, I still feel so guilty for I think I did not take care of him well enough, and I have been confused and wondering: "What should be the appropriate relationship between human beings and animals?" Though it is not a cat I raised or kept, after it’s gone, I still feel #It_Is_My_Cat

My unwillingness to keep pets for so many years is due to several reasons, including: when I was out for working so frequently that they have to wait for me and revolve around me: “waiting me for coming back, waiting me for taking them out, waiting me…… all of their life is surrounding me, isn’t that pathetic? Is it much happier for them to be outside and see the world outside? Why would I make them surround me and being restricted, even yelled every now and then: “Do NOT go out! Do Not bite chair! Oh! Do Not get close to that dirty stuff! Do Not go there. Do NOT do this/that……” What is equally unequal is requirements from people: “Shake hands! Good boy~”

As human beings, we sulk over and tolerate others' egocentrism, not to mention how mad we would be if we were animals and being treated in a condescending manner. I even wonder if this is one of the reasons dogs attack their masters, and the search on the internet proves it: https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/article/65142

Some other reasons that also make me think animals and humans should be on equal terms are omitted here owing to space limitations. In a nutshell, the way the little cat and I got together was being maintained intentionally like “friends”, ‘cause I think I should not regard myself as a master, so I did not take care of him more carefully, I did know how to feed cats but blamed him for eating so little that much cat food was wasted; worrying it would abandon its survival skills due to too sufficient food that I fed it--- Treating it equally as human to human--- so just 1 to 2 times cat food per day. I did not learn how to take care of cats for , just like people do not take care of their friends for no reason.

Although it is not a cat I raised or kept, and despite my intention to maintain the equal status between animals and human beings, after it’s gone, I still feel so remorse that I did not take care of it better, and could not have imagined that I would still feel #It_Is_My_Cat
    他是我的貓咪 It Is My Cat
    創作者 說"大蒜大蒜大蒜" 的頭像

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