


文章標題: <<The Guardian>> Squid Game: the hellish horrorshow taking the whole world by storm https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2021/sep/28/squid-game-the-hellish-horrorshow-taking-the-whole-world-by-storm


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文章標題: <<The Guardian>> Squid Game: the hellish horrorshow taking the whole world by storm

(1) take… by storm 使…為之傾倒/神魂顛倒/迷住


(2) a smash hit 轟動:

Synonym: sensation: cause a great sensationa

(3) stomach忍受:

Synonym: abide, brook, tolerate, put up with, bear, endure, stand,

(4) agonizing苦惱的

引申an agony of joy; agonies of wild joy欣喜若狂(此處agony的含意為a display or outburst of intense mental or emotional excitement)


(6)–ridden: debt-ridden負債累累的

(7) the small print 法律文件等印小號字體而容易被忽略的重要細節:

Read all the small print before you agree.

(8) shell-shocked飽受驚嚇 mentally shocked, exhausted.

(原文Original) In the first episode, a game of Grandma’s Footsteps (known as Red Light, Green Light in South Korea) leaves bodies piled high as the shell-shocked winners proceed to round two.shell suits運動服

(9) a tightly written horror thriller that has captivated viewers迷住觀眾的緊湊恐怖故事

(10) the top spot第一名

(11)get hooked on 迷上…

(12) dystopian(Antonym: utopian) : (Original原文)murderous dystopian series

(13) Battle Royale互相廝殺至只剩贏家為止; 在此文指日本<<大逃殺>>(1999)這部電影。

(14) Royale一種菜餚

(15) zeitgeist精神潮流:


(16) overdo: 表演得太過

(17) cliché-heavy老套的; 陳腐的

(18) hooky:上癮的, catchy

(原文 Original) an instantly hooky premise;

(補充)Play hooky逃學

(19) half-life另一種生活方式及體驗:


(20)interminable沒完沒了: (Original原文)interminable debt

(21) cliffhanger(n.)扣人心弦、高潮迭起的電影、小說等等。

(22) requisite必要的

(23) bingeworthy “一口氣看好幾集的那種追劇”的概念


 (24) set pieces精心設計的橋段:

set就是 “刻意去設計”的概念,所以設局達成目的、陷害等等也可用此字)

(25) hideously inventive天殺的有創意

 (26) eclactic兼容並蓄的

(注意這句的翻譯) Masterful cliffhangers give the series a requisite bingeworthy appeal and the set pieces are hideously inventive, but it’s the show’s eclectic cast that keeps viewers watching. 精彩又扣人心弦的情節讓人一口氣看好幾集,精心設計的橋段簡直就是天殺的有創意,但是,是這劇兼容並蓄的卡司讓觀眾一直看下去。

(27) a heart of gold真的很善良和有同理心

(28) slippery不可靠的,需要提防、留意的

his slippery childhood friend

(29)on the run在逃的

(30) icy冷若冰霜; 冷淡的

(31) resourceful足智多謀的

(32) rag-tag衣衫襤褸的

(33) subplot次要的情節(電視電影的支線)

(34) fray磨損:

(原文Original) the relationships form and fray

(35) unfailingly不辜負期待的/可靠的: unfailingly smiley

(36) single-handedly單槍匹馬 without any help from anyone else

(37) tap into利用…(得到好的結果); 發揮得淋漓盡致

(38) gameshow(= game show): a television programme in which people compete to win prizes

(39) one step removed: very close/similar to something else.

(40) touchstone: 檢驗標準

(41) maze迷宮

(42) tinkling咚咚聲:

(原文Original Soundtrack) tinkling soundtracks魷魚遊戲的主題曲之一是那首咚咚咚的歌。


(44) compelling令人注目感嘆佩服的requiring acute respect, attention, admiration: (Original) Within this world, writer and director Hwang set ups compelling dilemmas…

(45) play out結束:

(Original) …lets them play out in agonizing stretches.

(46) stretches: agonizing stretches

(47)Bandersnatch: a fierce mystical creature immune to bribery and capable of moving very fast

(48) at the expense of: 以犧牲…為代價

(49) on-screen螢幕上的

(50) (注意:翻譯不會直接聯想到的字)  you don’t need on-screen choices to get viewers invested in characters’ fates. 你不需要提供讓觀眾可以在螢幕上選,他們就願意專注在看角色的命運(事情將會如何發展)。 ***自己的筆記: 中文會說願意專注,但英文卻是用investe(投入時間、金錢的概念)

 (51) relatability相關性

(52) visceral發自內心的:

(Original 原文) The stakes are higher here but the emotions are viscerally familiar, tapping into playground politics at every turn. 這裡的賭注更高,但感受是打從內心地相似,屢屢將兒童遊樂場的政治學發揮得淋漓盡致。

(54) at every turn屢屢,每每

(55) heartwrenching 催心裂肺、肝腸寸斷

(56) tag抓人遊戲

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