


此書第三版的封面照,是很厚的全英文原版的書; Photo of the 3rd edition of this book, pretty thick.


有其他書當比例尺,才看得出這本心理學的教科書有多厚~ The thickness of this Psychology textbook is obvious in comparison with that of others on the shelves.


2021年11月29日(一)我把大學修心理學的課堂用書拿出來重看某些部分,下方紀錄了這本書最後一段話的全文和照片(書後的附錄等另計),在此先摘要: 作者/心理學家羅伯特•史騰伯格Robert J. Sternberg在這段話中,鼓勵人在調適和塑造環境間取得平衡點,而若當事人無法調整成適合環境的樣子、且也無法塑造環境成適合當事人的樣子,則就勇於另覓及選擇更合適的環境。

On Monday, November 29th, 2021, I took out one of the psychology textbooks that we used on Psychology 101, to review some parts of this book. The following is the last paragraph of this book(except appendix), written by the author and psychologist, Doctor Robert J. Sternberg, who encourages people to “reach the balance between adaptation to and shaping of the environment”, and “When we find that a particular environment simply cannot be shaped to fit us, and we cannot adapt ourselves to fit it, we can seek a more suitable environment.”


Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (VIDEO) - YouTube

補充: Kelly Clarkson的這首Breakaway也是在講突破到另一個地方、不被原有的環境困住,而能實現自己心中所真正想一的。<<Breakaway>> by Kelly Clarkson also depicts people breaking away their original environment, refusing to be trapped, and finally realizing, making what they want come true.


【 以下是此書<<心理學: 尋找人類心靈>>全書的最後一段話】

【 The following is the last paragraph in <<Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind>> 】


翻譯者: 邱子洹 Translator: Gloria Hue Tz-Huan

Ultimately, the key to coping with serious chronic illness is adaptation. The individual will need to make changes and adjustments to live happily and effectively. 最終,處理嚴重長期心理疾病的關鍵在於適應。每個人都需要改變和調適,才能快樂地活著和正常生活。

On the one hand, those persons with serious chronic illnesses need to make more effort than practically anyone to adapt to the environment. 一方面,罹患長期嚴重心理疾病者需要比其他人都更努力,才能調整和適應環境;

On the other hand, each of us confronts situations requiring us to adapt, in varying ways and to varying degrees. 另一方面,我們每一個人都面臨需要我們去調適的環境,只不過是以不同的方式和以大小不一的程度。

We constantly need to adjust ourselves to regulate our fit to our environment. But whether we are healthy or ill, young or old, lucky or not, we can shape our environment, too. 我們需要持續地調整我們自己以讓自身適應環境。 然而,無論我們是健康或患病,年輕或老,幸運與否,我們也都可以塑造我們的環境。

 Just as we need to adapt ourselves to fit the environment, we can modify the environment to suit ourselves. 正如同我們需要調整我們自己以適應環境一樣,我們也可以改變環境成合適我們的樣子。  

If there is a key to psychological adjustment, perhaps it is in the balance between adaptation to and shaping of the environment, with the added option of selection.     倘若心理調適有關鍵要訣,或許就是在調適自己以適應環境 和 塑造環境這兩者之間,再加上另一個選項: “選擇”。


When we find that a particular environment simply cannot be shaped to fit us, and we cannot adapt ourselves to fit it, we can seek a more suitable environment. 當我們覺得某些環境就是無法被塑造成合適我們的樣子,且我們也無法調整自己來適應這些環境時,則我們可以另覓更適合的環境。

It is my hope that you can adapt to, shape, and select your environment, to find what you want in life, reach for it, and ultimately obtain it.     我希望你能調整、塑造、和選擇你的環境,並且找到在人生中想要的、採取行動,最終透過努力而得到想要的。


Be careful in choosing what you want in life, for it shall be yours.——Proverb 小心選擇在生命中想要什麼,因為你想要的終將會成為你的。——諺語


這最後一段話的原文照片; Photo of this last paragraph of this book

(1) 李明川暗黑過往!吃藥治療三年震撼所有人|【醫定要知道】 - YouTube


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