【Groom操縱(明確定義請看內文)--- 美劇 Law &

圖片截圖自美劇Law & Order法網遊龍

groom(v.) 隨著時間,創造出某種情勢、或情緒上操縱(受害者),像是透過友誼、禮物、阿諛奉承等等,目的是讓人掉入性虐待、掠奪關係之陷阱中。

上段的中文翻譯自全英文辭典 Dictionary.com : Groom (v.): to condition or manipulate (a victim) emotionally over time, as through friendship, gifts, flattery, etc., in order to entrap the person in a sexually abusive or predatory relationship.

!!!重要: 此單字詞上述定義即是GRE程度範圍,因為雖然很多人很小就知道groom,當名詞有新郎之意、當動詞有打扮之意,但當做此文所說的"透過上述手法操縱",卻是很多人不知道且沒用過的,甚至有的中英辭典上都沒有列上述的定義,要直接查英英辭典,逐條查才看得到; 因此,若自己是要準備學測的高中生、或多益程度不好、托福程度不好的話,請千萬不要把時間拿來記這個,因為只會花更多時間學一個在台灣很少很少會用得到的意思。

     然而,這並非指此單詞的意思不重要,因為如大家所見: 此單詞在英文母語大眾會收看的、受歡迎的美劇中出現,且在此美劇中出現在一般的對話,代表這是很多母語者都知道的意思,但,在台灣使用英語的場景中,Groom出現時,是代表"操控"的頻率卻非常低,所以,很多英語程度很好的非母語者不知道也是情有可原的; 而且,自己若想要用"操控",可以用manipulate, control等字替代,若要特指 "用性手段來操縱",用副詞修飾"sexually manipulate"即可,總之,如果學這並不符合自己的優先順序、程度還不夠學習時間又少,則實在不應該先將珍貴的時間心力,拿來記憶在台灣這麼少用到的意思,等未來自己程度夠了再來學也不遲。


Explanation: Though, to native English speakers, the definition of this word above is familiar to them, but to many non-native English speakers---even to advanced ones--- it is not. The definition above can not be even found in some Chinese-English dictionaries, and it does not frequently appear.  As a result, this definition in Taiwan and many Asian countries would be classified into GRE vocabulary. 

Thereby, I suggest English learners whose English is not good enough not to memorize this word; just knowing it is enough due to insufficient time and energy, and personal learning goals that are much more important than memorizing these words. Not to mention there are so many more important frequently-used vocabularies, sentence structures, grammars etc. waiting to be learnt. We should prioritize learning from different content; after all, we cannot take all in at once.



    Groom Law&Order GRE
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