

Image Copyright from FB page of Tong-Lo Primary School

【銅鑼國小Tong-Lo Primary School】

    奠定我對我所處團體之信心的六年戊班~ 永遠的精神總錦標---我們從國小二年級結束時分班,就從國小三年級一路同班到六年級畢業。The class that lay the foundation of my confidence towards the group I am in is Class Wù 戊, which my classmates and I belonged to since the end of second grade, when the school regrouped all students, and we were gathered in Class Wù 戊in the following 4 years remained in primary school(Taiwanese primary school is for 6 years.)

還記得從三年級的運動會,我們戊班就得到全年級的精神總景標(就是最團結的班級; 記得當時對三年級而言,此獎項是最高的榮譽),我對這一次真的是印象特別深刻,印象中還有傍晚頒獎時,天色漸暗、記憶中周遭變成藍灰色的,全校師生在操場上,我們全班聽到我們班級得獎時都很開心的大叫和大笑的畫面和感覺~ 我真的非常開心,開心到回去(好像在父母車上)都還不斷跟父母講我們得精神總景標這件事。記得後來到六年級畢業,我們戊班也繼續得精神總景標,只是不確定是否全得,但至少也是得到好幾次; 但只有小學三年級這次印象特別鮮明,當年還是小孩子的我們真的都非常開心!!!

I still remember on our 3rd-grade school sports day, we Class Wù 戊 won the best trophy that exalted our unity and support to each other; to third graders, this trophy is the highest glory. This event has been clear and impressive to me; in my impression on the evening of this day, the sky grew dark and the environment in my memory blue-gray; when the award was announced, the scene and feeling of, with school’s all students and faculties on the sports field, our whole class screamingly laughing loudly, thrilled and exalted, has been always in my mind; I was very, very happy to the extent that I kept on, seemingly on my parents’ car, telling my parents all of these and our highest honor awarded. Memory has it that we Class Wù 戊 kept on obtaining the same trophy for the following years but I am not sure if we won it all straight through the final year of primary school days, but surely we took several.

    跟我們戊班一起參與的大部份活動,我經常都很有信心我們會贏~真的是感覺我們班很團結; 如今回想,自己小時候幾乎沒有對什麼事情感到強烈的信心,但卻在跟我們戊班一起參與很多活動時,經常都能感受到強烈的信心,而且我就是覺得我們班會贏,結果也經常是如此,真是不可思議~


    I often bore high confidence that we would win when taking part most activities with our Class Wù 戊~ I really felt our Class Wù 戊 cooperative and united. In retrospect, I did not hold strong confidence in many aspects back then; however, it was when being part of Class Wù 戊 that I almost always could sense this sinewy confidence that win was in our pocket, and the outcomes followed suit~ so incredible~

    Lots of memories that will be reminisced in future. Here, at this moment, my huge gratitude goes to our teacher Miss Wen Gui-Zhen溫貴禎老師, who taught and led us so well for so many years; many thanks to all classmates of Class Wù 戊, and sincere acknowledgement to Tong-Lo銅鑼 primary school.     

(中英全文共約900字; About 900 words, Eng&Chi included)

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