目前分類:知識Knowledges (28)

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2024-08-16 【關燈玩手機、眼睛被撞到...都有可能視網膜剝離(要開刀)---原來我們和視網膜剝離的距離,比我們想像的近得多】 (25) (0)
2024-08-16 【館長陳之漢談交朋友: 十個裡面只有一個有義氣的--- 這也符合其他工作領域的實際情況】 (41) (0)
2024-07-01 Watch Out! How Narcissists Set You Up! 小心! 自戀型人格是如何陷害你的! (36) (0)
2024-02-26 【一位善良的女人: 一隻狗咬壞她的特斯拉 A kindhearted woman: a dog attacked and tore her Tesla】 (14) (0)
2023-03-07 新興毒品殭屍藥Xylazine/Tranq會吃掉人的皮膚、讓人變得像殭屍一樣 (16) (0)
2022-12-01 (影片Clip)2016Olympic韻律體操全能金牌(俄國)瑪格麗特•馬蒙 Margarita Mamun, 2016 Olympic Gold Medal (8) (0)
2022-12-01 (好笑的影片a hilarious clip)不要再取奇怪的餐點名稱了Don't rename food too creatively to the extent that far more than people can understand. (8) (0)
2022-12-01 (影片Clip)吳淡如及鄧惠文談"女性在社會和個人生活中如何不被養套殺" (16) (0)
2022-12-01 (影片Clip)羅小虎和玉嬌龍的打戲 (8) (0)
2022-12-01 (影片Clip)2022世界積分排名第二雅莉珊德•德魯索娃Alexander Trusova的滑冰影片 (6) (0)
2022-12-01 1975-90年代台灣國小生考試時用書包擋在中間1975-90s Taiwanese pupils put satchels between each other during tests (9) (0)
2022-12-01 (影片Clip)人工智慧畫的畫AI's Drawings (5) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)心碎症候群:太傷心會心碎是真的!大喜大悲、情緒失控 小心引發心臟病 (4) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)人類戰勝天花的歷史進程How We Beat Smallpox? (6) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)The Cliff Village懸崖村 up at Mountain Da-Liang大涼山, Si-Chuan Province四川省, China中國 (4) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)為什麼少年得志的人往往會鬱鬱而終?why people who have their earliest, mind-blowing success are the most likely to be unsatisfied with their lives at the end of their lives? (5) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)海中的金絲雀:小白鯨Canaries of the sea: Beluga whales. (6) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)理想的家的邏輯收納Home's ideal logical storage and organization (5) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)<See You Again再見一面>中文版歌曲 (5) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)Neom, a future city未來城 (12) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)前新聞人黃大米三十幾歲時心肌梗塞發作的經驗談a former journalist's experience of myocardial infarction in her 30s (7) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)清明上河圖Qing-Ming Shang He Tu清明上河圖 (11) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip) Chóng-Qìng重慶 (9) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)Cave Hong-Ya, Chóng-Qìng 重慶 • 洪崖洞 (7) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)漢語、古漢語和漢語圈七大方言的淵源和知識knowledges of standard Chinese, classic Chinese and seven dialects in Chinese speaking areas (6) (0)
2022-11-30 (影片Clip)高獲利的都是有問題的Anything with high profit is fake (7) (0)
2022-08-24 猴痘長怎樣(醫學照片)---國際醫學期刊的研究 (113) (0)
2022-08-20 沙烏地阿拉伯的未來城Neom, Line (13) (0)