
      很多人都知道電影和戲劇需要先寫劇本、分鏡、再開拍,比較少人知道漫畫亦是如此。Many people know that filming movies and dramas need script, and shooting scripts to shoot, but fewer people know that drawing comics is the same.

   最下方貼出<<伊藤潤二研究---畫業30週年紀念完全讀本>>109頁到第115頁共五張照片,內容包含: 1. 一篇漫畫的詳細文字劇本; 2.上述<伊藤潤二畫漫畫的六個步驟>列在這些頁面的下方; 3.一些草稿的分鏡圖和完稿。5 pictures at the bottom show: 1. Detailed scripts. 2. Six stages of Ito Junji’s drawing processes mentioned above. 3. Some shooting scripts, rough scripts and final works. All of these pictures are taken from the book of the cover picture of this article, the book is entitled: <<Research of Ito Junji--- All Inclusive Review of 30 Years Anniversaries of His Drawing Career>>.

伊藤潤二先生畫黑白原稿36張漫畫的工作排程也是先花了十天在寫作,才開始用約一個月完成畫漫畫,所以寫作還是很重要的These pictures also include Ito Junji’s working processes of drawing 36 pages in black and white, in which he spent 10 days in writing and about a month to accomplish this drawing project. Therefore, writing is still very important.

第一步驟: 情節概要: 先簡單寫出構想(34Stage 1: Scratching some gists and skeleton outline of the story: 3-4 days.

第二步驟劇本: 用文字寫出精細的內容/劇本,劇本的文字詳細敘述了場景和對話等等(一個禮拜Stage2: Writing detailed scripts, describing the scenes and dialogues with much more details: a week.

第三步驟: 分鏡稿:根據完成的劇本,一邊分格畫出,一邊補充故事細節(45Stage3: Drawing shooting scripts. According to the scripts accomplished in stage 2, drawing the shooting scripts with more story details: 4-5 days.

第四步驟: 打草稿: 根據完成的分鏡圖,一格一格調整構圖(一個禮拜Stage4: Drawing rough drafts, adjusting the structures: a week.

第五步驟: 正式作畫 Stage5: Starting drawing.

第六步驟: 完稿(第五步驟到第六步驟加起來約2.5個禮拜左右Stage6: Accomplished: about 2.5 weeks to go through stage 5 and 6.

      我呈現出這些,是為了讓學習者們千萬不要否定寫作和寫書的重要性,或許至今我們從沒想過要寫書或創作,但未來是不確定的: 日本知名作家村上春樹原本也沒有想要寫作的,他原本是開音樂咖啡小酒吧,沒想到他成長中所累積的一切(包括他所學和閱讀過很多書、及所有人生學經歷等等),讓他在一個下午看棒球賽後爆發,自此開啟了他的寫作之路……

    I present all of this to express the importance of writing and writing books for all learners. Maybe in the present we have never thought of writing books or creating, but we never know the future: Murakami Haruki村上春樹, a well-known Japanese author, had never thought of writing books. At the beginning, he was doing part-time jobs, then, with his wife, running a Jazz café bar- daytime café, nighttime bar. It was when he was 29, in one amazing afternoon when he was watching a baseball game, the idea that he could write a novel hit him. After the game, he went to buy paper and a fountain pen, and embarked on his writing career. What happened after that is known: he has become a famous international writer due to all he has accumulated, including all he had read and learned, as well as all his life experiences.

    以下五張照片是<<伊藤潤二研究---畫業30週年紀念完全讀本>>此書中的第109頁到第115頁。Below are 5 pictures from page 109 to 115 selected from the book <<Research of Ito Junji--- All Inclusive Review of 30 Years Anniversaries of His Drawing Career>>.






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