
圖片介紹: 我第一次聽見的地鳴聲跟此影片中的有某程度相似,但此影片中的畢竟只是錄音,大家聽時要想像成自己是在現場,這種聲音當場環繞你、或朝你的方向襲來的感覺,才有可能感受為什麼我說這種聲音是 "被蒙住的、悶悶的氣勢磅礡聲"。欲看此影片,請點擊圖片。Illustration: The subterranean-rumbling sound I heard for my first time resembles the recording sound in this news clip to some extent; nevertheless, the sound in this news clip is just recording after all, so when you hear it, imagine you were on the spot, and this sound surrounds you or sweeps towards you, then chances are that you might understand why I describe the sound as "loud rumbling sound of great momentum being muffled". Click the picture to watch the news clip.      



    So far, until today, April 7th, 2024, twice have I heard the sound of subterranean rumbling, one of the portents of earthquake, in about 2022-2023. I heard them at my home where I grew up in remote and quiet hills.


     第一次聽到是在半夜約兩點多,最多不會超過三點四十五分之間,不知何故,我突然醒來、在床上睜開眼,幾乎是立馬就聽到一種聲音,我心裡直覺: “該不會要地震吧?”

My first time hearing the sound was during midnight, in between Am 2:00 to 3:45. Don't know why, out of the blue, I woke up, opened my eyes while lying on my bed, almost immediately I heard a kind of sound...... My intuition went: “Isn't it going to earthquake?”


就地震了!!! 多快地震呢? 很快,幾乎是聽到後,地震就襲來,但我也不敢說有到立刻那麼快,因為想要儘可能的貼近事實,也不想要有任何一點誇大的嫌疑。

The earthquake hit!!! How fast? Very quick! It followed almost as soon as I heard it--- the only reason I did not say it happened right away is because I want to present the fact without even slight exaggeration.


那我這第一次聽到地鳴聲聽起來像怎樣呢? 是氣勢磅礡、但又像被蒙住的、很大聲的隆隆隆隆的聲音、在一、兩秒之內漸漸又很快地加大 (說兩秒我都怕說得太久了),緊接著就地震了。

So how did this subterranean rumbling of my very first time sound like? It was like loud rumbling sound of great momentum being muffled, crescendoing gradually and rapidly in just 1 to 2 second(s)--- I am afraid saying 2 seconds would be too long. An earthquake took place forthwith.



It seemed the rumbling crescendo in this one to two second(s) come from somewhere far but not too far, and got close to where I located. Neither crazy loud nor deafening nor ear splitting was this rumbling sound--- had it been like this, that would have been a megaquake. The sound was not ear-piercing or harsh.


    我想了一段時間才想出上述的形容方式~ “悶悶的隆隆隆隆聲容易理解,畢竟地震能量是發生在地面下,被上面厚重的土層和岩石壓著、被蒙在地面下,當然有被悶住的感覺; 同時,就算這些土層和岩石再厚重,也擋不住地震的氣勢磅礡”--- 地震不就是這個樣子嗎?

     I have contemplated for a while to figure out how to describe this subterranean-rumbling sound. “The muffled rumbling sound” is easy to understand--- after all, the sound and power of earthquake, pressed and muffled underneath the thick, heavy earth and rocks origins from underground, so of course it sounds like being muffled; meanwhile, despite of all the thick and heavy soil layers and rocks, the great momentum of the earthquake is unstoppable--- this is just how earthquakes work.


    事後回想,在此之前,我是曾聽人說過地震前會有一些異象,包括地鳴聲,但從沒有人教過我地鳴聲是什麼聲音,我周圍沒人說聽過這種聲音、我自己在此之前也從沒聽過這種聲音。不過,很神奇也很奇妙,當我第一次聽到時,就立刻直覺這是地震前的地鳴聲~ 我人生至今出現過幾次類似這種 "雖沒人教過,但第一次看到或聽到就直覺知道那是什麼、後來也證實是像我想的那樣"的經歷...... 但那是另一個話題了。

In retrospect, before this my first-time-hearing-earth-rumbling-sound experience, I had heard people pass the idea that there are some omens before earthquakes, including this earth-rumbling sound; however, never has anyone taught me how it sounds like; none of people I know has ever shared his/her encounter of it, nor had I heard it before this my very first time hearing of it. Nonetheless, it is mystical and wonderful that when I heard it for the first time, my intuition directed me the answer. I happen to have several life experiences somehow like this: "I saw or heard something for the first time, immediately did I intuitively know what they were, and what transpired later proved my intuition"...... but that’s another topic.

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