【沒搭到早上六點多的飛機  I missed catchin

3/24(日)早上八點多醒來,想說來準備下午要出國去南韓的行李🦄 來確定我下午是幾點的飛機先😙拿起護照翻開一看,嚇😱我的飛機竟然是早上六點多起飛! 我錯過飛機了🥶 我旋即想著我損失了這張機票六千多還是八千多台幣…… 嘔~我鍾愛的錢💔
然後,我在早上約六點半醒了: 這是一場錯過早上六點多飛南韓班機的……夢🙃
On Sunday, March 24th, I woke up past 8 o’clock in the morning, thinking to prepare for my stuffs traveling to South Korea in the afternoon🦄 And before that, let me first check the exact departure time of my flight in the afternoon😙 Picking up my passport, I flipped to see…… SHOCKED😱 My Flight had already departed at about a little past 6:00AM! I missed my plane🥶 Immediately was I thinking how much I spent on this missing flight, was it $210 or $270 U.S. dollars…… Oops my beloved money💔
Then, I woke up at about 6:30AM--- this is a missing-my-flight-at-6:00AM “DREAM”🙃
    創作者 說"大蒜大蒜大蒜" 的頭像

    家教、學英文/中文、翻譯、文化、旅行... Learning English/Chinese, Translation, Culture, Traveling....

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