【鬼門關夜市•苗栗苑裡 The Night Market o

【鬼門關夜市•苗栗苑裡 The Night Market o

👹鬼門關夜市👹苗栗苑裡】【👹The Night Market of the Close of the Gate to the Underworld👹@Yüàn-Lǐ Township苑裡鎮, Miáo-Lì County苗栗縣】
真的好玩! 沒讓我有一丁點兒
檢視較大的地圖的失望~ 每年農曆七月二十九日,苗栗縣苑裡鎮會舉辦一年一次、盛大的鬼門關夜市: 我昨天第一次去,夜市時間是從下午兩點(好早就開始) 到晚上九點(也太早就結束了),傍晚後人真的超多~ 甚至到都走不了的地步了(改天再PO照片)。
這夜市的確是我目前去過的台灣夜市和廟會之中規模最大的一個: 吃的販賣項目是最多的、也有傳統用紙糊撈金魚等遊戲,本來昨天早上還猶豫要不要去,但想到一年只舉辦一次,而且今年就有吵到底要不要辦,誰知道明年還會不會有? 所以就決定要去! 去了以後慶幸: "幸好有來~ 我明年還要去!"。
Yesterday was my very first time joining the festival. Yeah~ It was fun! I am ecstatically happy that I went. It did not disappoint me: it is indeed the largest among all night markets and temple fairs that I had been to--- foods they sold are most, traditional games, like catching small fishes with paper net, could be found there--- I think it is no exaggeration to call it the largest of its kind in Taiwan.
I had been hesitated going before yesterday morning; however, thinking it is held up only once in a year and there were some arguments about its holding just before this event this year, who knows whether it will be held up next year or not? So I decided to go. And just as mentioned, I am much more than delighted that I did go.
Every year on July 29th in lunar calendar alone, a date near the close of the gate to the underworld, an exclusively grand annual night market is being held up at Yüàn-Lǐ Township苑裡鎮, Miáo-Lì County苗栗縣---- both the open and close of the gate to the underworld are folk festivals on July 1st and 30th in lunar calendar, respectively. The event started on 14:00(very early!) and lasted to only 21:00(too early!). In the evening, the crowds started getting larger to the extent that people could hardly move--- photos will be posted another day.
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